mohd ashraf mir

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  1. Modernization Among Undergraduate Students

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    The most important function of education is modernization. Modernization is a comprehensive conce...

    49,00 €
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  2. Impact of Technology Adoption on Cocoon Production in Kashmir

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    Agriculture serves as the backbone of our economy as 70 per cent of the rural population in India...

    52,16 €
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  3. Impact de l’adoption de technologies sur la production de cocons au Cachemire

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    L'agriculture est l'épine dorsale de notre économie, puisque 70 % de la population rurale indienn...

    52,16 €
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  4. Vliqnie wnedreniq tehnologij na proizwodstwo kokonow w Kashmire

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    Sel'skoe hozqjstwo sluzhit osnowoj nashej äkonomiki, poskol'ku 70 procentow sel'skogo naseleniq I...

    24,79 €
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  5. Impacto da Adopção de Tecnologia na Produção de Casulos em Caxemira

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    A agricultura é a espinha dorsal da nossa economia, pois 70% da população rural na Índia está ass...

    52,16 €
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  6. Auswirkungen der Technologieübernahme auf die Kokonproduktion in Kaschmir

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    Die Landwirtschaft ist das Rückgrat unserer Wirtschaft, da 70 Prozent der indischen Landbevölkeru...

    54,90 €
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  7. Impatto dell’adozione della tecnologia sulla produzione di bozzoli nel Kashmir

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    L'agricoltura è la spina dorsale della nostra economia, poiché il 70% della popolazione rurale in...

    52,16 €
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  8. Impacto de la adopción de tecnología en la producción de capullos en Cachemira

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    La agricultura es la espina dorsal de nuestra economía, ya que el 70% de la población rural de la...

    52,16 €
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