sana aziz

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  1. Alterações nos valores de Peróxido em óleos de cozinha

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    O óleo de culinária é óleo vegetal, animal, ou gordura sintética utilizada na fritura, cozedura, ...

    37,90 €
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  2. Izmeneniq perekisnogo chisla w maslah dlq prigotowleniq pischi

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    Kulinarnoe maslo - äto rastitel'nyj, zhiwotnyj ili sinteticheskij zhir, ispol'zuemyj pri zharke, ...

    18,81 €
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  3. Evaluation of Ethnomedicinal Plants for Herbal Leather Dyes

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    Chemical dyes are not ecofriendly dyes, but these herbal dyes are ecofriendly and free of many ty...

    49,00 €
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  4. Alterations in Peroxide Values in Cooking Oils

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    Cooking oil is plant, animal, or synthetic fat used in frying, baking, and other types of cooking...

    39,90 €
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  5. Modifications de l’indice de peroxyde dans les huiles de cuisson

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    L'huile de cuisson est une graisse végétale, animale ou synthétique utilisée pour la friture, la ...

    37,90 €
    Alle Preise inkl. MwSt| Versandkostenfrei
  6. Alterazioni dei valori dei perossidi negli oli da cucina

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    L'olio da cucina è un grasso vegetale, animale o sintetico utilizzato per friggere, cuocere e alt...

    37,90 €
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  7. Alteraciones de los valores de peróxido en los aceites de cocina

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    El aceite de cocina es una grasa vegetal, animal o sintética que se utiliza para freír, hornear y...

    37,90 €
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  8. Änderungen der Peroxidwerte in Speiseölen

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    Speiseöl ist ein pflanzliches, tierisches oder synthetisches Fett, das zum Braten, Backen und and...

    39,90 €
    Alle Preise inkl. MwSt| Versandkostenfrei
  9. Ecofriendly Leather Dyes Extrected from Plants Bark

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    Synthetic dyes are not eco-friendly and are very hazardous to the environment, but these herbal d...

    46,55 €
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  10. Evaluation of Metal Contaminations in Vegetables Sold in Local Market

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    Heavy metals or trace elements play an important role in the metabolic pathways during the growth...

    46,55 €
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  11. Phytochemical and Pharmacognostical Studies of Family Euphorbiaceae

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    Extraction of bioactive compounds from medicinal plants permits demonstration of their physiologi...

    46,55 €
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